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Employer Incentives to Participate in an Employer Resource Network
Current & Recent Research Projects
  • Kevin Hollenbeck, , Principal Investigator, W.E. Upjohn Institute
Project Dates
05/01/2011 - 02/15/2012
Employer Resource Networks (ERNs) are self-funded private sector partnerships intended to facilitate the retention and productivity of employees. The partnerships employ or subcontract for a social service agency case manager who will help employees manage day-to-day emergency situations by referring them to appropriate agencies, by providing small amounts of emergency funding, by helping them traverse the public assistance system, or by other means. In some cases, ERNs provide general training. In this project, Upjohn Institute staff members interviewed employers who are participating in an ERN and developed and disseminated a Policy Brief intended mainly to inform other employers about the benefits and costs of joining an ERN partnership.

Employer Resource Networks: What Works in Forming a Successful ERN?, Bridget Timmeney, Kevin Hollenbeck (2012)

What Works in Forming a Successful Employer Resource Network?, Bridget Timmeney, Kevin Hollenbeck (2012)

DISC (Disruptive Innovation for Social Change - Grand Rapids)
Citation Information
Kevin Hollenbeck. "Employer Incentives to Participate in an Employer Resource Network" (2012)
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