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Contribution to Book
Going By Boat: The Forager-Collector Continuum at Sea
Beyond Foraging and Collecting: Evolutionary Change in Hunter-Gatherer Settlement Systems (2002)
  • Kenneth M. Ames, Portland State University
Chapter 2. This paper is about boats, but it is about boats as transportation, about the integration of boats into production on a daily basis, about boats being used to haul material 100 meters across a lake or 1000 kilometers over difficult seas. It is not about the evolution of boats or about evidence for the earliest boats, or about boats as the only way to get to Australia, or as a means to people the Americas. It is about boats as instruments of production and whether the use of boats is theoretically important.
Publication Date
January, 2002
Ben Fitzhugh and Junko Habu
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers
Citation Information
Ames, Kenneth. (2002). Going by Boat: The Forager-Collector Continuum at Sea. In. Beyond Foraging and Collecting: Evolutionary Change in Hunter-Gatherer Settlement Systems. Fitzhugh B. and Habu J ,editors. New York, Kluwer/Plenum Press. p. 19-52.