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The Declaration of Independence and Immigration in the United States of America
  • Kenneth M. White, Kennesaw State University
Political Science and International Affairs
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The United States has always been a nation of immigrants, and immigration policy has always been controversial. The history of immigration in the United States is contrasted in this article with a normative standard of naturalization (immigration policy) based on the Declaration of Independence. The current immigration debate fits within a historical pattern that pits an unrestricted right of immigration (the left) against exclusive, provincial politics (the right). Both sides are simultaneously correct and incorrect. A moderate policy on immigration is possible if the debate in the United States gets an infusion of what Thomas Paine called "common sense."

Citation Information
White, Kennecth Michael. "The Declaration of Independence and Immigration in the United States of America." Norteamérica: Revista Académica Del CISAN-UNAM (2011): 211-228.