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The Convergent Validity of Reading Assessments at the Secondary Level (Thesis)
  • Kelly L. Cross, Boise State University

This study compares the results of four secondary level reading assessments in order to determine their convergent validity. Convergent validity is the process or result of finding that two or more indicators thought to assess the same variable correlate with each other (Harris & Hodges, 1995). During my examination of reading assessments, I found that four types: standardized reading tests, informal reading inventories, cloze technique reading assessments, and oral reading accuracy analysis from authentic materials. This study compares the results of these different types of reading assessments, rather than evaluating which "brand" of the same type of reading assessment is more accurate. For practical purposes, I examined reading assessments that are currently being used in a local public school district. The four reading assessments I compared are the Burns-Roe Informal Reading Inventory (Burns & Roe, 1993); the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (Hieronymus, Hoover, & Lindquist, 1995), a standardized reading test; the Degrees of Reading Power (Koslin, Koslin, Zeno, & Ivens, 1989), a cloze technique reading assessment; and a Tradebook Reading Inventory (TBRI), an informal tradebook reading inventory (see Appendix A), which includes an oral reading accuracy and comprehension analysis. The TBRI is similar to an informal reading inventory, but uses longer passages from textbook materials used in local schools. Results of these assessments were used by the school district to compare students' reading abilities and to place students in ability-level reading groups.

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Citation Information
Kelly L. Cross. "The Convergent Validity of Reading Assessments at the Secondary Level (Thesis)" (1999)
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