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Transforming Learning: Using a Multi-User Virtual Environment for Simulation
9th Annual Health Informatics New Zealand Conference (2010)
  • Michelle Honey, University of Auckland
  • Kelley Connor, Boise State University

Simulations are well known in education, including health professional education. Traditionally simulations have included role plays and demonstration rooms where skills can be practiced and more recently high-fidelity mannequins have lifted the level of simulation. The use of the Internet has allowed synchronous learning that permits sharing experiences and social interactivity. One specific option that has emerged which has the potential to transform health professional clinical education is the use of multi-user virtual environments for simulated learning. A pilot using Second Life, a web-based virtual environment, to teach haemorrhage management to undergraduate nurses is described. Findings include that with pre-simulation preparation student learning occurs. However, the greatest barrier to continued use of a multi-user virtual environment is the need for equal internet speed for all participants to support the participants’ interaction.

Publication Date
November, 2010
Citation Information
Michelle Honey and Kelley Connor. "Transforming Learning: Using a Multi-User Virtual Environment for Simulation" 9th Annual Health Informatics New Zealand Conference (2010)
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