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Options in learning management systems software. Approaches to research: recognising what people can do that computers can’t
Australian Computers in Education Conference, 5-8 July 2004 (2001)
  • Kathryn Moyle
Research is a fundamental part of education. Researching online learning environments is informing the work of schools and school education jurisdictions. It is argued here that using approaches to research that recognise the place people hold in school education and technology research helps inform the methods of the research conducted. Technological determinism has tended to imbue the language of school education technology policies. This has seen the power and control humans can exercise over approaches to school education research and policy-making, removed. As there has been considerable work already conducted on the technical aspects of learning management systems software, this paper focuses on putting humans back into the research picture by recognising what people can do that computers can’t. 
  • Learning management systems,
  • Educational technology,
  • Social systems,
  • Educational research
Publication Date
July, 2001
Adelaide, South Australia
Citation Information
Kathryn Moyle. "Options in learning management systems software. Approaches to research: recognising what people can do that computers can’t" Australian Computers in Education Conference, 5-8 July 2004 (2001)
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