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A Guide to support coaching and mentoring for school improvement
Professional learning for teachers and school leaders
  • Kathryn Moyle, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Publication Date
Coaching, Mentoring, Principals, School leaders, Professional development, School improvement, School culture

This guide emerged from policies and professional learning practices in the Northern Territory, Australia. Between 2014-2016, six experienced school principals located in remote urban and regional schools met twice a year to share plans, experiences and reflections about how they were using coaching and mentoring conversations to support teachers in their schools.

Place of Publication
Camberwell, Vic.
Australian Council for Educational Research
978-1-74286-372-6 EPDF; 978-1-74286-371-9
Citation Information
Moyle, K. (2016). A Guide to support coaching and mentoring for school improvement. Australian Council for Educational Research: Camberwell, Vic.