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What do students say about learning with technologies?
Digital Diversity conference (2010)
  • Kathryn Moyle, ACER

This paper outlines some of the findings from Australian research which listened to and analysed the views and expectations of students within Australian education and training institutions about learning with technologies. Students in primary and secondary schools, vocational education and training (VET) institutions, international students studying education in universities, pre-service teacher education students and teachers in their first five years of teaching contributed to a national 'student voice' research project based upon their current experiences and views. Data was collected through online surveys and focus groups. The research shows that students and early career educators have access to and use a range of technologies for teaching and learning but in particular, computers and the Internet. In general, more use of the computer and Internet for educational purposes is made by students as they progress through the respective levels of education. Participants indicated they use technologies for a range of purposes including to research information; for communication and group work activities; for solving problems; presenting assignments; and for reflection, planning and for creative purposes. All cohorts reported the importance of high quality teachers who form positive relationships with their students. The research also highlights some of the challenges facing pre-service teacher educators, in light of the Digital Education Revolution.

  • Research,
  • Students,
  • Learning,
  • Technologies,
  • Primary students,
  • Secondary schools,
  • VET,
  • University,
  • Teacher education,
  • Teaching,
  • Computers,
  • Internet,
  • Digital education revoloution
Publication Date
April, 2010
Citation Information
Kathryn Moyle. "What do students say about learning with technologies?" Digital Diversity conference (2010)
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