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Hosting Language: Immigration and Translation in The Merry Wives of Windsor
Shakespeare and Immigration
  • Kathryn Vomero Santos, Trinity University
Document Type
Contribution to Book
Publication Date

I will argue that Shakespeare uses the dialogic form of drama to stage such encounters between the languages of guest and host and to demonstrate that hosting the stranger in the English language causes the play’s English characters, along with its audiences and readers, to become “sensitive to the strangeness of [their] own language” and yet resistant to the idea that the immigrant can ever be fully “Englished” (Ricoeur 2006: 29).7

Ruben Espinosa & David Ruiter
Ashgate Publishing
9781409411000 & 9781138260979
Citation Information
Santos, K. V. (2014). Hosting language: Immigration and translation in The merry wives of Windsor. In R. Espinosa & D. Ruiter (Eds.), Shakespeare and immigration (pp. 59-72). Ashgate Publishing.