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A Tableau Vivant of IL Classrooms: The Multimodal/Multisensory Experience for the Teaching and Learning of Threshold Concept.”
LOEX 42nd National Conference (2014)
  • Kathleen Langan, Western Michigan University
The Association of College and Research Libraries’ (ACRL) release of the Draft Framework for Information Literacy (IL) for Higher Education well positions those who teach IL to reflect on identifying and defining learning. What is learning? Is it a stagnant, finite event or is it a process? Are there always artifacts that are tangible testaments to the act of learning? If not, then how do we measure it? Does teacher bias hinder learning and our understanding of students and what they know? I present my journey and how I found answers to these questions in the philosophy of rhetoric espoused with the pedagogy of threshold concepts and how that union reshaped my definition of teaching and learning activites.
Publication Date
May 9, 2014
Citation Information
Langan, K. “A Tableau Vivant of IL Classrooms: The Multimodal/Multisensory Experience for the Teaching and Learning of Threshold Concept.” LOEX 42nd National Conference, Grand Rapids, MI. May 9, 2014.