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The Times They Are A-changin’ -- Again -- in the Relationships between Governments and Multinational Enterprises: From Control, to Liberalization to Rebalancing (政府与跨国公司关系的变化:从控制、自由化到再平衡)
Columbia FDI Perspectives (2012)
  • Karl P. Sauvant, Columbia University
English Abstract: After a long period during which governments made the national and international frameworks for foreign investors more welcoming, a number of indicators suggest that a rebalancing is taking place toward an approach that is more protective of sovereigns, allowing governments more policy space to regulate FDI in the public interest.

Chinese Abstract: 在政府长时期推行改善境外投资环境的国家及国际框架后,一系列指标表明正在通过给予政府更多的政策空间来规范公共利益领域的 FDI 以更有效地保护自身主权利益。

Note: Downloadable document is in Chinese and English.
Publication Date
May 21, 2012
Citation Information
Karl P. Sauvant, "The Times They are A-changin’ -- Again -- in the Relationships between Governments and Multinational Enterprises: From Control, to Liberalization to Rebalancing,” Columbia FDI Perspectives, no. 69 (21 May 2012).