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Principles of Child Rearing: Talking so Young Children Understand.
  • Karin Bartoszuk, East Tennessee State University
People who are good at talking to young children are sensitive to children’s developing language abilities. They are aware that young children are new at understanding language, so that talking to toddlers and preschoolers is different from talking to older children and adults.
  • parenting,
  • communication,
  • child rearing,
  • family,
  • children,
  • counseling,
  • psychology,
  • understand
Publication Date
This publication have been adapted for use with a Native American population with permission from Auburn University, and will be used for  parenting classes for the Building Connections Program on Standing Rock Reservation.

This work is published with permission by North Dakota State University and was obtained from the following URL:
Citation Information
Bartoszuk, K. (2003). Principles of Child Rearing: Talking so young children understand.
Creative Commons license
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CC_BY-NC-SA International License.