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Is adolescent sibling violence a precursor to college dating violence?
American Journal of Health Behavior (2004)
  • V. Noland
  • Karen Liller, University of South Florida
  • R. McDermott
  • M. Coulter
  • Anne E. Seraphine

Objective: To determine whether experiencing sibling violence in adolescence is a significant predictor for later dating violence. The influence of parent-to-child and parent-to-parent violence is also explored. Methods: A modified version of the CTS2 was administered to community college students. The survey instrument used the CTS2 psychological and physical assault subscales. Results: Adolescent sibling violence was a predictor for college dating violence. Males reported experiencing more sibling violence than females did, but females reported experiencing more dating violence, both as perpetrators and victims. Conclusion: Further research is needed to improve understanding of the reasons for and the long-term consequences of sibling violence.

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Citation Information
V. Noland, Karen Liller, R. McDermott, M. Coulter, et al.. "Is adolescent sibling violence a precursor to college dating violence?" American Journal of Health Behavior Vol. 28 Iss. Suppl 1 (2004)
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