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Development of cationic polymer coatings to regulate foreign-body responses
Advanced Materials (2011)
  • Minglin Ma, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Wendy F. Liu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Paulina S. Hill, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Kaitlin M. Bratlie, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Daniel J. Siegwart, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Justin Chin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Miri Park, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Joao Guerreiro, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Daniel G. Anderson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
A library of cationic polymers, poly(beta-amino alcohols) with a great chemical diversity are synthesized using combinatorial polymerization. These polymers, when immobilized on a surface, drastically affect the behavior of monocyte/macrophage cells in vitro and early inflammatory reactions in vivo. Certain polymers are found capable of mitigating the foreign-body responses.
  • biomaterials,
  • biomedical materials,
  • foreign-body responses,
  • poly (beta-amino alcohol),
  • polymer coatings
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Ma, M., Liu, W.F., Hill, P.S., Bratlie, K.M., Siegwart, D.J., Chin, J., Park, M., Guerreiro, J., Anderson, D.G. Development of cationic polymer coatings to regulate foreign-body responses Advanced Materials, 23 (2011): pp. H189-H194, which has been published in fonal form at doi: 10.1002/adma.201100513. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for self-archiving.
Citation Information
Minglin Ma, Wendy F. Liu, Paulina S. Hill, Kaitlin M. Bratlie, et al.. "Development of cationic polymer coatings to regulate foreign-body responses" Advanced Materials Vol. 23 Iss. 24 (2011)
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