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About Dr Justin Brown

Dr Justin Brown (BBus UTS, MEd Monash, PhD Melb) is a Principal Research Fellow in the Tertiary Education research program at the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). His research interests focus on tertiary education structures and systems, with a particular focus on transitions and pathways into and from vocational education and training. Before joining ACER, Justin held research roles at PhillipsKPA and IDP Education Australia.

Justin has contributed to over 50 educational research projects for clients including Commonwealth and state departments of education and training, peak bodies and professional associations. He has also worked closely with providers, public and private, in a wide variety of contexts to address research problems.

Justin completed his PhD at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education at the University of Melbourne on post-school transitions of disadvantaged learners in Victoria. In 2015 he was awarded the Inaugural Jack Keating Scholarship for education research.


Present Senior Research Fellow, Teaching Learning and Transitions program, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

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Honors and Awards

  • Jack Keating Scholarship for Educational Research (2015)

Reports (30)