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Why Martin Luther King’s Anti-Racism Crusade Needs to Be Renewed
The Conversation
  • Julius A. Amin, University of Dayton
Document Type
News Article
Publication Date

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was 39 years old when he was assassinated. Schools, streets and children are named in his honor in Africa. In America, he is honored with a public holiday.

All over the world, King is known as someone who fought for human causes. At a time when racial violence and arrogance in the US and elsewhere is experiencing a rapid resurgence, King’s holiday is a reminder that much needs to be done to create a more inclusive global community.

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The Conversation US
Place of Publication
Boston, MA
Citation Information
Julius A. Amin. "Why Martin Luther King’s Anti-Racism Crusade Needs to Be Renewed" The Conversation (2016)
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