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Folk/Traditional Music from West Virginia Composers/Performers Arranged for Classical Guitar: an Ensemble Approach
ASA Annual Conference
  • Júlio Ribeiro Alves, Marshall University
Participation Type
Session Title
Session 10.18 Music
Presentation #1 Abstract or Summary

During the spring semester of 2014, the Marshall University Guitar Ensemble will record videos featuring performances of folk/traditional music by composers/performers from West Virginia. The videos will be included in the eBook “Folk/Traditional Music from West Virginia Composers/Performers Arranged for Classical Guitar Ensemble”, written by Dr. Júlio Ribeiro Alves, who teaches classical guitar and music theory at Marshall. A “hands-on” material for beginner/intermediate guitarists interested in playing folk music from West Virginia in trio formation, the book is a tool for the dissemination of the musical heritage of West Virginia among guitar students, performers, and new audiences inside and outside the state’s boundaries. During the activities of the 2014 ASA Conference, the M.U. Guitar Ensemble will perform arrangements of fiddle music by composers/performers from West Virginia such as Wilson Douglas, Melvin Wine, David French Carpenter, Edden Hammons, Emory Bailey, and others, as well as arrangements of folk songs such as “John Henry”, “John Hardy”, “The Wreck of the Old Ninety-Seven”, and “The Murder of Jay Legg

At-A-Glance Bio- Presenter #1

Dr. Alves is an associate professor of music at Marshall University. His areas are guitar and music theory.

Citation Information
Júlio Ribeiro Alves. "Folk/Traditional Music from West Virginia Composers/Performers Arranged for Classical Guitar: an Ensemble Approach" (2014)
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