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Using Torture Against Women
Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice (2014)
  • Juliet A Schiller, University of San Francisco
According to Juan E. Mendez, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, more than half the countries that formulate the United Nations use torture. Torture is considered to be one of the most serious violations of international laws. It is classified as a crime against humanity and as a war crime. Women are at greater risk for organized violence compared to men. According to Amnesty International, women are frequently singled out for torture in armed conflicts because of their role as educators and symbols of the community. This essay presents research into the practice of torture against women in the form of narrative accounts.
  • human rights,
  • women and violence,
  • torture,
  • narratives
Publication Date
Fall August 26, 2014
Citation Information
Juliet A Schiller. "Using Torture Against Women" Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice Vol. 23 Iss. 3 (2014)
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