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Early School Leavers: Who Are They, Why Do They Leave, and What Are the Consequences?
2001 - Understanding Youth Pathways - ACER Research Conference Proceedings (2001)
  • Gary N Marks, ACER
  • Julie McMillan, ACER

Changes in the youth labour market mean that that pathway from school to work is no longer so clearly defined. This paper addresses three broad issues: (1) In the late 1990s, who left school before the completion of Year 12? Are the sociodemographic factors which exerted an influence in the past still influencing the educational pathways of young people? (2) What are the reasons given by young people for leaving school early? (3) What are the consequences of school non-completion in the immediate post-school years?

Publication Date
January 1, 2001
In 'Understanding youth pathways : research conference 2001 : proceedings', pages 6-12. Melbourne Vic : ACER
Citation Information
Gary N Marks and Julie McMillan. "Early School Leavers: Who Are They, Why Do They Leave, and What Are the Consequences?" 2001 - Understanding Youth Pathways - ACER Research Conference Proceedings (2001)
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