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University Ecology and Student Service Motivation
Many universities today attempt to foster a sense of civic responsibility among students, promote the internalization of pro-social values, and train students to contribute to the larger community. Service learning is cited as an example of recent efforts on the part of universities to impact student values and engagement off campus. The project described in this book explored the impact of the university community environment on students' development of pro-social values, motivations, and behavior. Past theory and research concerning the developmental changes that occur among students in college and the impact of one's environment on his/her motivation and behavior are presented. In addition, relevant constructs such as public service motivation, sense of community, and gaps in the literature are discussed. The book includes two separate but related studies with a purpose of understanding how a school's environment or atmosphere may be related to the pro-social engagement, public service motivation, and perceived school sense of community among its students.
  • public service motivation,
  • prosocial behavior,
  • prosocial atmosphere,
  • student civic engagement,
  • sense of community
Publication Date
VDM Verlag Publishing
Citation Information
University Ecology and Student Service Motivation. Germany(2008)
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