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Disaster Risk Reduction, Public Accountability, and the Role of the Media: Concepts, Cases, and Conclusions
United Nations - Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (2010)
  • Richard Stuart Olson
  • Juan Pablo Sarmiento
  • Gabriela Hoberman, Florida International University
This paper argues for the utility of, and offers, a relatively narrow definition of accountability, using that definition in combination with an applied analytic framework for accountability in the specific policy domain of “Disaster Risk Reduction” (DRR). That framework then informs an analysis of the post-impact role(s) that media played in two major 2010 events: the January 12 Haiti catastrophe and the February 27 Chile disaster, supplemented
by an analysis of media coverage in two “mirror countries” that share roughly equivalent catastrophe/disaster risk profiles (Jamaica and Peru respectively). The more specific research questions focused on media attention spans, other emergency or disaster relevant media roles, and “zones of silence” in event coverage, particularly about pre-event accountability for effective
  • Disaster Risk Reduction,
  • Accountability,
  • Media,
  • Haiti,
  • Chile,
  • Jamaica,
  • Peru
Publication Date
October, 2010
Publisher Statement
United Nations - Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction - GAR2011 - Background Paper
Citation Information
Olson, R. S., Sarmiento, J. P., & Hoberman, G. (2010). Disaster Risk Reduction, Public Accountability, and the Role of the Media: Concepts, Cases, and Conclusions. United Nations - Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction - GAR2011 - Background Paper. Retrieved from
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