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Library on the Go: A Focus Group Study of the Mobile Web and the Academic Library
College & Research Libraries (2011)
  • Jamie Seeholzer, Kent State University - Kent Campus
  • Joseph A Salem, Jr., University of Akron Main Campus

This study explores student use of the mobile Web in general and expectations for an academic library’s mobile Web site in particular through focus groups with students at Kent State University. Participants expressed more interest in using their mobile Web device to interact with library resources and services than anticipated. Results showed an interest in using research databases, the library catalog, and reference services on the mobile Web as well as contacting and being contacted by the library using text messaging.

Publication Date
January, 2011
Citation Information
Jamie Seeholzer and Joseph A Salem. "Library on the Go: A Focus Group Study of the Mobile Web and the Academic Library" College & Research Libraries Vol. 72 Iss. 1 (2011)
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