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Delivery, Facilitas, and Copia : job market preparation and the revival of the fifth canon.
Faculty Scholarship
  • Joseph Turner, University of Louisville
Document Type
Publication Date

This essay argues that English Studies departments should implement training programs in oral delivery strategies for graduate students seeking tenure track employment. A sample a 13-week training program, modeled on elements of classical rhetorical pedagogy, can help students develop and refine stills in oral delivery necessary for academic job interviews.


This is the author's original manuscript (prior to peer review) of the following title:

Turner, Joseph. “Delivery, Copia, and Kairos: Job Market Preparation and the Revival of the Fifth Canon.” 2019. Pedagogy 19(1): 29 pp. (Forthcoming)

Citation Information

Turner, Joseph. “Delivery, Copia, and Kairos: Job Market Preparation and the Revival of the Fifth Canon.” 2019. Pedagogy 19(1): 29 pp.