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Ponds for Peace: A Collaborative Aquaculture Project in Liberia
  • Joseph Buttner, Salem State University
Since 2012, Salem State University (SSU) and the United Methodist University of Liberia (UMU) have pursued aquaculture as part of a larger, broader collaboration to help nurture a sustainable peace in Liberia. The ongoing initiative recognizes that requisites to a sustainable peace include access to education, health care, jobs and food, particularly in rural (upcountry) Liberia. Liberians have a tradition of fishing, eating fish and aquaculture, providing a receptive audience and opportunity to expand production and impact (Fig. 1). Aquaculture training can be pursued without having to create interest or a market. The UMU network of campuses and the United Methodist Missions where Liberians seek education, assistance and health care provide an established and trusted conduit to people. Reservoirs of expertise in government agencies, most notably the Bureau of National Fisheries (BNF), can be accessed and allied. The requisites to expand aquaculture in upcountry Liberia exist.
Publication Date
December, 2018
Citation Information
Joseph Buttner. "Ponds for Peace: A Collaborative Aquaculture Project in Liberia" WORLD AQUACULTURE (2018)
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