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Repetitive impact response of a beam structure subjected to harmonic base excitation
Journal of Sound and Vibration (2007)
  • Elizabeth K. Ervin, University of Mississippi
  • Jonathan A. Wickert, Iowa State University

This paper investigates the forced response dynamics of a clamped–clamped beam to which a rigid body is attached, and in the presence of periodic or non-periodic impacts between the body and a comparatively compliant base structure. The assembly is subjected to base excitation at specified frequency and acceleration, and the potentially complex responses that occur are examined analytically. The two sets of natural frequencies and vibration modes of the beam-rigid body structure (in its in-contact state, and in its not-in-contact state), are used to treat the forced response problem through a series of algebraic mappings among those states. A modal analysis based on extended operators for the (continuous) beam and (discrete) rigid body establishes a piecewise linear state-to-state mapping for transition between the in-contact and not-in-contact conditions. The contact force, impulse, and displacement each exhibit complex response characteristics as a function of the excitation frequency. Periodic responses occurring at the excitation frequency, period-doubling bifurcations, grazing impacts, sub-harmonic regions, fractional harmonic resonances, and apparently chaotic responses each occur at various combinations of damping, excitation frequency, and contact stiffness. The results of parameter studies in structural asymmetry and the eccentricity of the contact point's location are discussed.

Publication Date
October 23, 2007
Publisher Statement
This is an accepted author manuscript. Copyright 2007 Elsevier Ltd.
Citation Information
Elizabeth K. Ervin and Jonathan A. Wickert. "Repetitive impact response of a beam structure subjected to harmonic base excitation" Journal of Sound and Vibration Vol. 307 Iss. 1–2 (2007)
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