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A Thousand Tiny Pieces: The Federal Circuit's Fractured 'Myriad' Ruling, Lessons to Be Learned, and the Way Forward
Articles in Law Reviews & Journals
  • Jonathan Stroud
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The Supreme Court granted, vacated, and remanded the infamous Myriad gene isolation patentability case to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) in light of the recent Prometheus decision, which held 9-0 that a certain diagnostic method was invalid subject matter because it was an abstract idea merely modified by other obvious steps. This Essay argues that Myriad should be affirmed again by the Federal Circuit, particularly in light of Prometheus, in order to inject certainty, clarity, and consistency into the § 101 patentable subject matter jurisprudence

Citation Information
Stroud, Jonathan. "A Thousand Tiny Pieces: The Federal Circuit's Fractured 'Myriad' Ruling, Lessons to Be Learned, and the Way Forward." IP Theory (forthcoming 2012).