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Gravitationally Induced Quantum Superposition Reduction With Large Extra Dimensions
Physical Review D
  • Jonas R. Mureika, Loyola Marymount University
Document Type
Article - pre-print
Publication Date

A gravity-driven mechanism (``objective reduction'') proposed to explain quantum state reduction is analyzed in light of the possible existence of large extra dimensions in the ADD scenario. By calculating order-of-magnitude estimates for nucleon superpositions, it is shown that if the mechanism at question is correct, constraints may be placed on the number and size of extra dimensions. Hence, measurement of superposition collapse times ({\it e.g.} through diffraction or reflection experiments) could represent a new probe of extra dimensions. The influence of a time-dependent gravitational constant on the gravity-driven collapse scheme with and without the presence of extra dimensions is also discussed.

Publisher Statement

This is an author-manuscript of an article accepted for publication in Physical Review D. The version of record: Mureika, J.R. (2006). Gravitationally-Induced Quantum Superpopsition Reduction with Large Extra Dimensions. Physical Review D., 73(6), 64012. is available online at DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.73.064012.

Citation Information
Mureika, J.R. (2006). Gravitationally-Induced Quantum Superpopsition Reduction with Large Extra Dimensions. Physical Review D., 73(6), 64012.