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Dog Ownership and Adolescent Physical Activity
American Journal of Preventive Medicine (2010)
  • John R. Sirard, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Carrie D. Patnode
  • Mary O. Hearst
  • Melissa N. Laska
Background—Positive associations between dog ownership and adult health outcomes have been observed, but research involving youth is lacking. Purpose—The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship of family dog ownership to adolescent and parent physical activity, weight status, and metabolic risk factors. Methods—Data were collected on dog ownership in 618 adolescent/parent pairs between 9/2006 and 6/2008 and analyzed in 2010. Adolescent physical activity was assessed by ActiGraph accelerometers. Trained staff measured blood pressure, height and weight, and percentage body fat was calculated by impedance. A subsample of adolescents (n=318) opted for a fasting blood draw used to derive a metabolic risk cluster score. Parents and adolescents provided consent and assent, respectively. Results—Adolescents’ mean age was 14.6±1.8 years and 49% were male. White and higher SES adolescents were more likely to own a dog. In models adjusted for age, puberty, gender, race, total household members and SES, adolescent physical activity (mean counts min−1 day−1) remained significantly associated with dog ownership (β=24.3, SE=12.4, p=0.05) while the association with minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity day−1 became nonsignificant (β=2.2, SE=1.2, p=0.07). No significant results were observed for other adolescent characteristics. Conclusions—Dog ownership was associated with more physical activity among adolescents. Further research using longitudinal data will help clarify the role that dog ownership may have on adolescent physical activity.
Publication Date
March, 2010
Publisher Statement
This article was harvested from PubMed Central. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2010.11.007
Citation Information
John R. Sirard, Carrie D. Patnode, Mary O. Hearst and Melissa N. Laska. "Dog Ownership and Adolescent Physical Activity" American Journal of Preventive Medicine Vol. 40 Iss. 3 (2010)
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