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German City Planning in the 1920's: A North American Perspective of the Frankfurt Experience
Contact Bulletin of Urban and Environmental Affairs (1975)
  • John Mullin, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
This paper on German City Planning in the 1920's, represents a North American perspective of the urbanistic experiences of Frankfurt in that period. Tremendous strides and advances were effectuated in virtually all aspects of government, housing policy, open space and town design, prior to the grasping of power by the national socialists. The legacy is an important one, for indeed, many of the great pioneers of early 20th century urbanism worked in Frankfurt, tested their ideas, saw them implemented, and subsequently emigrated from Germany to many parts of the globe, where these experiences followed them.
  • German City Planning in the 1920's,
  • Frankfurt Experience
Publication Date
February, 1975
Citation Information
John Mullin. "German City Planning in the 1920's: A North American Perspective of the Frankfurt Experience" Contact Bulletin of Urban and Environmental Affairs Vol. Vol. 7 Iss. No. 1 (1975)
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