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The Closing of the Yankee Rowe Nuclear Power Plant: The Impact on a New England Community
Journal of the American Planning Association (1997)
  • John R. Mullin, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Zenia Kotval, Michigan State University
America's nuclear power companies for the first time, face reduced demand and a resulting decline in generating capacity that will affect not only the industry, but also the communities that have become dependent on the "nuclear economy." Across the United States there are 111 nuclear plants; approximately twenty are expected to close by the year 2012 (Pasqualetti 1991a, Allen 1996). While many Americans applaud this trend, the fact remains that the closings will bring extensive economic hardships to the communities and regions where the plants are located. This paper is a case study of the local effect from the closing of Yankee Atomic Electric Company's nuclear power plant in Rowe, Massachusetts. The authors conclude that decisions to close nuclear power plants are highly unlikely to consider the local impacts that may occur. The paper is intended as a start toward understanding how the closing of nuclear power plants affect local and regional economies, and considers the role that the federal and state governments can have in helping communities shift to an non-nuclear economic base.
Publication Date
Fall 1997
Publisher Statement
"This is a preprint of an article whose final and definitive form has been published in the Journal of the American Planning Association©2006 Copyright American Planning Association; Journal of the American Planning Association is available online at"
Citation Information
John R. Mullin and Zenia Kotval. "The Closing of the Yankee Rowe Nuclear Power Plant: The Impact on a New England Community" Journal of the American Planning Association Vol. Vol 63 Iss. No 4 (1997)
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