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Assessing changes in vascular permeability in a hamster model of viral hemorrhagic fever
Virol Journal (2010)
  • B B Gowen
  • J G Julander
  • N R London
  • M H Wong
  • D Larson
  • John D Morrey, Utah State University
  • D Y Li
  • M Bray
A number of RNA viruses cause viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF), in which proinflammatory mediators released from infected cells induce increased permeability of the endothelial lining of blood vessels, leading to loss of plasma volume, hypotension, multi-organ failure, shock and death. The optimal treatment of VHF should therefore include both the use of antiviral drugs to inhibit viral replication and measures to prevent or correct changes in vascular function. Although rodent models have been used to evaluate treatments for increased vascular permeability (VP) in bacterial sepsis, such studies have not been performed for VHF.
  • vascular permeation,
  • viral hemorrhagic,
  • fever
Publication Date
January 1, 2010
Citation Information
Gowen, B. B., J. G. Julander, N. R. London, M. H. Wong, D. Larson, J. D. Morrey, D. Y. Li, and M. Bray. 2010. Assessing changes in vascular permeability in a hamster model of viral hemorrhagic fever. Virol J 7:240. PMID20846417 PMCPMC2949842