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Review: Sexual Symmetry: Love in the Ancient Novel and Related Genres
The Classical World
  • John F Makowski, Loyola University Chicago
Document Type
Book Review
Publication Date
Publisher Name
Johns Hopkins University Press

Of the many recent books generated by the revived interest in the ancient novel, Konstan's is the most ambitious and the most outstanding both for its scope and brilliance of insight. Often employing an anthropological approach and informed by the theories of Foucault, the book makes an important contribution to the cultural history of the ancient world.


Author Posting. © Classical Association of the Atlantic States, 1997. This article is posted by permission of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States for personal use, not for redistribution. It was published in The Classical World, Volume 91, Issue 1, Sept.-Oct., 1997.

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Citation Information
Makowski, JF. "Review: Sexual Symmetry: Love in the Ancient Novel and Related Genres" in The Classical World 91(1).