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Contribution to Book
Faithfulness and reduplicative identity
University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers in Linguistics 18: Papers in Optimality Theory (1995)
  • John J McCarthy
  • Alan Prince

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction; 2. Correspondence Theory; 3. Correspondence Theory and Overapplication; 4. Factorial Typology; 5. Underapplication; 6. Input-Reduplicant Correspondence; 7. Conclusion; Appendix A: Constraints on Correspondent Elements; Appendix B: Inventory of Overapplying Processes

Publication Date
Jill Beckman, Suzanne Urbanczyk and Laura Walsh Dickey
Citation Information
John J McCarthy and Alan Prince. "Faithfulness and reduplicative identity" University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers in Linguistics 18: Papers in Optimality Theory (1995)
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