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What Our Faculty and Students Are Telling Us
Bollinger-RosadoTeaching and Learning Effectiveness Symposium (TLES) (2014)
  • John C. Griffith, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  • Rene Herron, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
This research examined comments in open response areas from 228 faculty and 659 student surveys regarding learning mode preference (classroom, online, video synchronous) instructor competence with technology and the impact of tuition reimbursement on student choice of learning mode. Most faculty and students viewed traditional classroom as the best option for quality interaction and learning. EagleVision Home (synchronous video learning) courses were noted for increased social presence and online courses were viewed as the most flexible option to take a class. Faculty and students emphasized the need for interaction in distance learning environments. Members of both groups highlighted technical issues that impeded faculty and student interaction which hampered learning effectiveness. Some students indicated that online courses had the highest workload of any learning mode. Faculty and students emphasized the need for faculty training and competence with distance learning technologies. Veteran’s Affairs (VA) funded students stated that they would chose an EagleVision Classroom course over an online or EagleVision Home course specifically due to increased VA reimbursement for in-resident courses. Recommendations included conducting future research as new distance learning technologies are deployed. Additionally, future researchers should use qualitative research tools in conjunction with quantitative analysis to gain a more complete assessment of faculty and student perceptions.
  • synchronous video learning,
  • distance learning,
  • faculty,
  • students
Publication Date
October 14, 2014
The authors would like to thank Dr. Jim Schultz, Dr. Marian Schultz, Dr. Ron Wakeham, M.K. Gorman, Jenni Heslop, Lorraine Dunn, Karen Doolittle, Sonja Griffith and the 2013 ERAU Research Award Committee. We appreciate all of the faculty and students who made this research possible by completing the survey. Additionally, we would like to thank the 2014 Bollinger/Rosado Teaching and Learning Effectiveness Symposium committee for the opportunity to present our findings. We were humbled by your selection of this project for the 2014 Vance Mitchell award.
Citation Information
John C. Griffith and Rene Herron. "What Our Faculty and Students Are Telling Us" Bollinger-RosadoTeaching and Learning Effectiveness Symposium (TLES) (2014)
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