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Engaging students in disaster relief training exercises
Vizione (2015)
  • John R Fisher, Utah Valley University
  • Muhaedin Bela

Training and exercises are commonly used among first responders to prepare them for disasters and other emergency situations. Emergency management students from Utah Valley University in the United States shared what they have learned about disaster preparedness and response with university students in the Balkans. The six students divided into teams of two and taught three groups of 15 students each. The Utah Valley University students trained 45 Macedonian students about disaster response principles, search and rescue, triage, and emergency medical care. The training was followed by three simulated exercises. The American students were interviewed about their experience. They reported a heightened cultural awareness and better understanding of the disaster response capabilities in the Balkans. They indicated that they gained greater respect for the differences that exist in handling disaster response and a greater appreciation of the culture of the people they met. In addition, they developed friendships with students and emergency personnel.

  • service learning,
  • student exercises,
  • disaster preparedness,
  • emergency and disaster management
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
Visions is its 23rd edition, presenting the work of authors and researchers in various scientific fields of social sciences. Our vision for selection of writings has been, and remains, the proper approach of objective - scientific, research methodology, theoretical interdependence - empirical research various phenomena of social sciences.
Citation Information
John R Fisher and Muhaedin Bela. "Engaging students in disaster relief training exercises" Vizione Vol. 23 (2015)
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