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Business Research Yearbook (2012)
  • R. Jeffery Maxfield
  • John R. Fisher, Utah Valley University

The importance of fire and emergency services professional development standards has never been more apparent than during the last few years. With the events of September 11, 2001, the need for improved leadership in the emergency services has become evident. The International Association of Fire Chiefs has introduced a professional development standards model, based on a definition of professional development, which is “the planned, progressive life-long process of education, training, self-development, and experience” (IAFC, 2003). Their standard recognizes that emergency response training activities are more prevalent in the early stages of a career and that organizational skills grow with a shift to an education emphasis.

This article will introduce a new leadership model along with the International Association of Fire Chiefs’ standard and discuss their relevance and importance in the fire and emergency services arena. By adopting this new model as an accepted industry standard and raising the level of expectation for those working in the field, a safer community, state and nation may be assured, improving the standard of living for all citizens.

Publication Date
Publisher Statement
A publication of the International Academy of Business Disciplines, copyright 2012
Citation Information
R. Jeffery Maxfield and John R. Fisher. "THE NEED FOR FIRE SERVICE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT" Business Research Yearbook Vol. 19 Iss. 2 (2012)
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