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Why the NRA fights background checks
Special to CNN (2013)
  • John J. Donohue, Stanford Law School

"We think it's reasonable to provide mandatory instant criminal background checks for every sale at every gun show. No loopholes anywhere for anyone." Did President Barack Obama say that? No, that's from an advertisement taken out by the NRA in USA Today in 1999.

But a more powerful NRA today is in no mood to follow the slogan of their "be reasonable" ad campaign of 14 years ago. This relatively small group -- the NRA boasts that it has 4.5 million members, which is peanuts compared to the roughly 40 million AARP members -- might have the political power to pull it off.

Federal law prohibits selling guns to felons or the mentally ill. Background checks are the only way to enforce that law. So, besides criminals and the insane, who could possibly oppose universal background checks?

Gun manufacturers.

  • NRA,
  • NRA background checks,
  • gun control
Publication Date
Spring April 10, 2013
Citation Information
John J. Donohue. "Why the NRA fights background checks" Special to CNN (2013)
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