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Quantum correlations in three body ö decay
Zeitschrift für Physik C (1993)
  • John Donoghue, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Barry Holstein, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Antonio Perez, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
The decays of neutral kaons produced in ~b decay, (~-~KLKs, exhibit interesting quantum mechanical interference. The effects of this phenomenon on searches for CP violation have been previously been worked out for two body decays where the decay amplitude is a simple constant. For three body modes, where the matrix element varies across the kinematically allowed region, the quantum correlations will enhance or cancel certain terms in the decay distribution. We work out the results for two interesting modes q)~(nn)(nnT) and ~b~(3n)(3n). In the former case, the quantum correlation allows the isolation of the direct emission component of the nn7 decay, while in the latter case the intensity asymmetry can uniquely pick out the direct CP violating amplitude.  
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Citation Information
John Donoghue, Barry Holstein and Antonio Perez. "Quantum correlations in three body ö decay" Zeitschrift für Physik C Vol. 58 (1993)
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