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An Indirect Test for the Specification of Expectation Regimes
The Review of Economics and Statistics
  • Peter Orazem, Iowa State University
  • John A Miranowski, United States Department of Agriculture
Document Type
Publication Version
Published Version
Publication Date
MIT Press

This paper develops an empirical strategy for testing competing hypotheses of expectation regimes when direct measures of expectations are unavailable. The procedure takes as given an assumed structural relationship between expected values of exogenous variables and a given decision variable. By imposing different expectation regimes on this model, we obtain an artificial nesting of the hypothesized regimes which allows us to test whether any specification dominates. This methodology is extended to multiple equation applications with any number of hypothesized expectation regimes. The tests are illustrated using a model of the response of county-level farm acreage allocation to expected commodity prices.


This article is from The Review of Economics and Statistics, November 1986, 68(4); 603-609.

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Citation Information
Peter Orazem and John A Miranowski. "An Indirect Test for the Specification of Expectation Regimes" The Review of Economics and Statistics Vol. 68 Iss. 4 (1986) p. 603 - 609
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