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A Spectral Order for Infinite Dimensional Quantum Spaces: A Preliminary Report
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
  • Joe Mashburn, University of Dayton
Document Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date

In 2002 Coecke and Martin created a Bayesian order for the finite dimensional spaces of classical states in physics and used this to define a similar order, the spectral order on the finite dimensional quantum states. These orders gave the spaces a structure similar to that of a domain. This allows for measuring information content of states and for determining which partial states are approximations of which pure states. In a previous paper the author extended the Bayesian order to infinite dimensional spaces of classical states. The order on infinite dimensional spaces retains many of the characteristics important to physics, but loses the domain theoretic structure. It becomes impossible to measure information content in the same way that it is done for the finite dimensional spaces, and the sense of approximation is lost. In this paper, we will use the Bayesian order to define a spectral order on the infinite dimensional spaces of quantum states.

Inclusive pages
Document Version

Article available for download is the author's accepted manuscript, protected under the Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND.

Some differences may exist between the manuscript and the published version; as such, researchers wishing to quote directly from this resource are advised to consult the version of record.

Permission documentation is on file.

Peer Reviewed
  • Bayesian order,
  • spectral order,
  • classical states,
  • quantum states,
  • density operator,
  • domain
Citation Information
Joe Mashburn. "A Spectral Order for Infinite Dimensional Quantum Spaces: A Preliminary Report" Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science Vol. 173 (2007)
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