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Becoming an Immigration Lawyer
Careers in Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice (2010)
  • Jill E. Family
This book is an essential resource for law students and lawyers interested in a career in administrative law. In the first half of the book, a national expert describes the field, and outlines your optimal entry strategies. The second half offers individual, personalized examples of the various career paths in administrative law, and details the demands and rewards of each. The "how-to" essays are authored by 19 of the leading law firm practitioners, government agency counsels, federal administrative law judges, non-profit group advocates and legal educators. In plain language, they open your eyes to the many rewarding careers that lie within the administrative law specialty. This easy to read book covers topics you need to know: how do I enter this field, pre-law preparation, skill sets, advancement and networking. Essays include becoming a lawyer with a work-life balance, becoming an environmental practitioner, becoming an immigration lawyer, becoming a food and drug lawyer, becoming an effective adjudicator, becoming an administrative law judge, and many others.
  • immigration law,
  • careers
Publication Date
James T. O'Reilly
American Bar Association
Citation Information
Jill E. Family. "Becoming an Immigration Lawyer" Careers in Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice (2010)
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