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Expunging America's Rap Sheet in the Information Age
Wisconsin Law Review (2015)
  • Jenny Roberts
"Getting a Second Chance After a Criminal Record.", "Want to Expunge Your Record?', "South Carolina Debating If It Should be Easier to Expunge a Brush with the Law." "Making a Fresh Start in Little Village." These are only some of the headlines of newspaper articles and television segments that came up in a Google Alert for "expungement" during one typical week in late 2014. The same week, in Cincinnati, Ohio, city council members backed expungement of low-level marijuana convictions. Expungement news that week was not limited to the United States. In Jamaica, the legislature passed a bill that allows expungement of some convictions records, including minor marijuana offenses, calling it "the beginning of the end for persecution."
  • law,
  • criminal law,
  • Expungement
Publication Date
Citation Information
Jenny Roberts. "Expunging America's Rap Sheet in the Information Age" Wisconsin Law Review Vol. 2015 (2015) p. 321 ISSN: 0043-650X
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