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Introduction to the Special Issue on Manufacturing
Progressive Planning (2012)
  • Jennifer Clark, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Pierre Clavel, Cornell University
Manufacturing has long been the focus for progressive reforms. But these reforms, pushed by labor in the 1930s and 1940s, did not particularly involve city planners, and the idea of “progressive planning” that emerged in the 1960s focused on community and neighborhood struggles over urban renewal, highway clearances and the depredations of real estate developers—not necessarily manufacturing. The question now is whether, with changes in manufacturing, and new initiatives from the Obama administration, progressives can make a contribution through the manufacturing sector, and whether professional planners can play a role at all.We asked a group of geographers and planners—academics and practitioners with track records looking at manufacturing—to give brief reports on issues that might interest readers of Progressive Planning.
  • manufacturing,
  • policy,
  • progressive planning
Publication Date
Winter 2012
Citation Information
Jennifer Clark and Pierre Clavel. "Introduction to the Special Issue on Manufacturing" Progressive Planning Vol. 190 (2012) p. 1 - 3
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