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Transforming the way we meet: Planning a virtual library conference
Health Information Technology and Library and Information Science
  • Jennifer Deal, Advocate Advocate Aurora Health
  • Brenda Fay, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Elissa Kinzelman-Vesely
  • Michele Matucheski, Ascension Health Care
  • Carrie Papa-Schold, George Williams College of Aurora University

Aurora West Allis Medical Center

Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center

Publication Date

A paper describing the planning and execution of an entirely online conference for the Wisconsin Health Science Library Association (WHSLA) biennial conference in November 2017. The paper goes into details such as program development, branding, marketing, technology, finances, and evaluation. Appendices include a sample evaluation form as well as a detailed task list.

Document Type
Citation Information

Deal J, Fay B, Kinzelman-Vesely E, Matucheski M, Papa-Schold C. Transforming the way we meet: Planning a virtual library conference. Aurora Health Care Digital Repository. October 17, 2019.