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Libraries that Learn: Keys to Managing Organizational Knowledge
  • Jennifer A. Bartlett, University of Kentucky
  • Spencer Acadia
Sharing organizational knowledge supports onboarding, coaching, mentoring, and the day-to-day smooth functioning of the workplace. So why are the procedures, policies, and best practices for your organization often so hard to find? Although the term “knowledge management” might conjure up images of a bureaucratic labyrinth, essentially it means getting the right information to the right people at the right time. A lot of that information is embedded in work practices or may be siloed where it can’t easily be shared; managing it successfully hinges on effective communication with every person on your team. This book surveys approaches to knowledge management (KM) that address hierarchical power structures and internal competition to get measurable results.
  • Libraries,
  • Knowledge management,
  • Organizational knowledge
Publication Date
ALA Editions
Citation Information
Jennifer A. Bartlett and Spencer Acadia. Libraries that Learn: Keys to Managing Organizational Knowledge. Chicago(2019)
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