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A New Synthetic Amphidiploid in Cucumis from a C. sativus x C. hystrix F1 Interspecific Hybrid
Cucurbitaceae '98
  • Jeffrey Adelberg, Clemson University
  • Jinfeng Chen, Clemson University
  • Jack E Staub, USDA
  • Halina Skorupska, Clemson University
  • Billy Rhodes, Clemson University
Publication Date
ASHS Press

CT. A synthetic amphidiploid was developed through organogenesis in tissue culturefrom an interspecific F1hybrid betweenCucumis sativus L. andC. hystrix Chakr. The resultsfrom flow cytometry indicated that, on average, 7.3% of the regenerants with unique morphology were chromosome-doubled F1hybrids. The 2C DNA content of the original F1hybrid was1.17 pg, and the 4C DNA content was 2.35 pg. Frequency of chromosome doubling between thetwo genotypes used in this study varied considerably.


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