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Why Magnification Works
The Physics Teacher (1994)
  • Terry L. Smith, University of North Florida
  • Jay S Huebner

The simplest way to magnify the view of a small object is to bring the object closer to the eye, and of course science teachers know about magnifying glasses, telescopes, and microscopes.But why magnification works seems intuitive and is not usually explained to our students. We present here a few ideas on magnification that we use in our classroom and some general information on vision that we hope will be helpful to other teachers.

  • physics,
  • optics,
  • education
Publication Date
February, 1994
Publisher Statement

Published in The Physics Teacher, 1994, 32, 102.

Citation Information
Terry L. Smith and Jay S Huebner. "Why Magnification Works" The Physics Teacher Vol. 32 Iss. 2 (1994)
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