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Alterations in Error-Related Brain Activity and Post-Error Behavior Over Time
Brain and Cognition (2012)
  • Jason R. Themanson, Illinois Wesleyan University
  • Matthew B. Pontifex, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Charles H. Hillman, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Peter J. Rosen, Washington State University
  • Edward McAuley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

This study examines the relation between the error-related negativity (ERN) and post-error behavior over time in healthy young adults (N = 61). Event-related brain potentials were collected during two sessions of an identical flanker task. Results indicated changes in ERN and post-error accuracy were related across task sessions, with more negative ERN associated with greater improvements in post-error Accuracy. This relationship was independent of any cross-sectional relationships between overall task performance, individual difference factors, including personality and self-efficacy, and indices of self-regulatory action monitoring. These results indicate that the relation between ERN and post-error accuracy remains intact and consistent regardless of variation in this set of individual difference factors previously associated with both of these indices of self-regulatory action monitoring, providing support for the strength, robustness, and persistence of this relationship in the process of adaptively controlling behavior to enhance task performance.

  • Action monitoring,
  • Error-related negativity (ERN),
  • Post-error behavior,
  • Event-related brain potentials (ERPs)
Publication Date
Summer 2012
Publisher Statement
Brain and Cognition is published by Elsevier,
Citation Information
Jason R. Themanson, Matthew B. Pontifex, Charles H. Hillman, Peter J. Rosen, et al.. "Alterations in Error-Related Brain Activity and Post-Error Behavior Over Time" Brain and Cognition Vol. 80 (2012)
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