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Plays and Amusements Offered for and by the American Military during the Revolutionary War
Theatre Research International (1978)
  • Jared Brown, Illinois Wesleyan University
The American Revolution saw more theatrical activity on American soil than had ever taken place there before. British military officers - who brought with them a strong theatre-going tradition - sponsored lavish performances of plays in New York, Philadelphia, and elsewhere between 1775 and 1783. This work focuses on the plays for and by the American military during the Revolutionary War.
Publication Date
October, 1978
Publisher Statement
The following article was published by Theatre Research International. More information can be found by visiting their website.
Citation Information
Jared Brown. "Plays and Amusements Offered for and by the American Military during the Revolutionary War" Theatre Research International Vol. 4 Iss. 1 (1978) p. 12 - 23 ISSN: 1474-0672
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