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Critical Literacy for Older Adults: Engaging (and Resisting) Transformative Education as an Older Methodist Woman
Literacy in Composition Studies (2018)
  • Janet Bean
This article explores the critical literacy practices of a conservative, Christian woman as she engages in a church-sponsored reading program. Her story provides an opportunity to interrogate dominant cultural narratives that situate faith in conflict with critical consciousness and to expand our understanding of attitude change in older adults. I examine the cultural and religious contexts of her literacy, as well as the rhetorical practices that allow her to enter into dialogue with challenging texts. Ultimately, I argue for a more expansive view of critical literacy that takes into account the nonacademic settings where it occurs and the importance of transformative process.
  • critical literacy,
  • faith,
  • older adults,
  • transformative education
Publication Date
Fall November, 2018
Citation Information
Janet Bean. "Critical Literacy for Older Adults: Engaging (and Resisting) Transformative Education as an Older Methodist Woman" Literacy in Composition Studies Vol. 6 Iss. 2 (2018) p. 59 - 75 ISSN: 2326-5620
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